Insync Energy, Reiki, and Chakra Healing

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Reiki and Shifting Attitudes Around Cancer

When I was diagnosed with cancer 9 years ago, what I first noticed was the fear that is associated with it. Totally understandable. The fear in the doctor’s voice when she told me over the phone. The fear I felt in my gut when I heard the news. The look on my husband’s face when I hung up the phone.

What if we could approach it right from the beginning with a sense of positivity? Some of you may shake your heads or think it depends……I have seen the power of this attitude work on people with stage 4 cancer. The whole family can be involved and those who surround them.

Where does this start? At the doctor’s office. I speak from experience when I say the first order of business is the doctor preparing the patient for the worst case scenario. This is how they prepared me: “Expect pain, hair loss, loss of appetite, nausea, lack of energy, possible job loss if too many days/months are required to recuperate.” Basically, they were telling me, “Expect hell to take over your body and live with the uncertainty that once we remove it, there is no promise that it will not return.”

What if I said, excuse my language, “Fuck that!”? What if we all said that when doctors give some sort of death sentence or negative, hopeless outlook? What if the whole family said it??? And what if doctors did some research and were able to provide their patients with options, alternative therapies, alternative attitudes for that matter?

I’ll tell you what would happen. Hope, Empowerment, Faith, Trust, Courage, LIFE! Life would happen people. There are many choices out there that can shift the outcome, that can even put a positive spin on such an experience. And not only for the patient but for EVERYONE involved. Family, caretakers, counselors, nurses, and yes, even doctors.

What I chose, after doing my own research that first week of diagnosis, was a complementary medicine, meaning a therapy that aids any other form of treatment, was Reiki. This is a Japanese form of gentle hands-on healing that simply relaxes the stressed out, anxious body and mind. This allows the receiver of Reiki to take a break from the energy of fear and sorrow and hopelessness that surrounds cancer. Result of being able to relax? The body can do what it needs to in order to begin healing itself. Reiki can also be used to calm those who are supporting the patient. This is very important when establishing a healing community.

Reiki is for absolutely everyone. It does not have to be someone with cancer. Any illness, any reason for someone needing to relax, to feel better, to help with emotional pain. Reiki is simple and gentle. The hands-on aspect creates a nurturing, comforting sensation many need during such shocking life changes. Reiki prepares the body physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

So, rather than just focusing on the sickness, loss, and pain from the traditional form of  ‘treatments’, I call for the patient to become her own advocate, her own source of hope and motivation. Begin with a positive, brave attitude and order some Reiki! Now, that would be a prescription that would really benefit the masses.

If you would like to learn more about how Reiki and I can assist you with your healing, and facing the journey ahead of you, please visit me at We can chat for a free 20 minute consultation or you can schedule a Reiki session and test it out for yourself.

What I want people to understand is that there are options. It doesn’t have to be JUST preparing for the worst. Research and find what resonates with you. Let’s do our homework and share with our doctors. Let’s bring to their attention that they can help turn this game around, too.

Reiki is also for animals experiencing pain, illness, stress, or life changes.

Blessings to you and may you find peace and support in all of your life’s experiences.


Love, Darlene