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Brave and Unstoppable

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Being brave can mean making big changes or taking small steps. It is an individual experience as I have learned during the  Get Your Brave On event I started in the beginning of the month, here and on facebook. I read so many profound and emotional stories many people shared with me about stepping outside of their comfort zone, even if it was scary.

We are ALL brave. Everyone of us has taken a leap of faith, an uncertain step in a different direction, have made a choice others insisted we shouldn’t. On this blog post, the final one in the Brave series, I interview an inspiring woman, a determined business strategist, Anna Long, from Electric Empire. Anna was brave when she quit her job to become an entrepreneur and now assists others on that same mighty track.

This month’s series was about finding your brave, making more out of your life by stepping out of your box and into the world with gusto and faith.

I first met Anna Long when she came into my office for a Energetic Reboot Healing. Anna is dynamic, shining her smile and light into the world.

Anna, would you please share, What is the bravest act, the scariest step you have taken thus far to step out of your own comfort zone?

The scariest thing I’ve done to step into my brave is quit my job to pursue my intuitive business strategy. I’m a sucker for “security”, so letting go of a sure thing for a not-so-sure thing was terrifying. It wasn’t like I didn’t plan and strategize for the move (I did for about 9 months), but this only made it slightly less scary.

What lead up to that decision, time, research, leap of faith, and what emotions came up for you before you did it?

Honestly I felt like ALL of those things came up for me! When I launched my first business I held a job the entire time. It was a business I didn’t want to work at full-time, so quitting my job didn’t have quite the pull. When I grew into my intuitive biz strategy role I knew of a very deep (soul) level that there was no way I could remain at my job and become a successful business owner. Holding a job no longer jived with my pursuits and values. So I mapped out an exit plan and about 9 months later left my job, got married, and traveled around Asia for 2 months with my husband. I went out with a bang!

Describe how it felt once you took your step, or leap.

Right after I quit I was offered a small contract working with that same company (making over double my previous salary). It wasn’t many hours or anything, but it did help the transition. My “joblessness” didn’t hit until I was in the middle of SE Asia. Waves of anxiety would hit at night sometimes…but then they were often followed my huge creative days where I KNEW that everything would work out.

My new life was in TOTAL alignment with my spirit (for the first time ever) and this began to shine through in my writing and I began to get more clients who felt my enthusiasm and authenticity.

As a leading edge intuitive entrepreneur, helping other women create or expand THEIR dream businesses, what advice would you give them BEFORE they take that first, perhaps scary, step into self-entrepreneurship?

This is a great question Darlene, because when I went through it…I felt like everyone had this “Quit immediately…or else!” attitude…like building a business without another job was the ONLY way to go. It’s not! How you decide to grow your business is just as unique as the business itself.

Assess what you NEED to be most creative. I’m a highly creative person and I attribute 80% of my success in business to my creativity. The thing is, if I’m freaking out about money, a doom set’s in and I can’t think creatively at all. So I knew I had to work and save as much as possible to get to the point where I could leave. On the other hand, some people operate best under a lot of pressure. If that is you, then it’s possible to save up and launch with less of a security net than what most people would need.

I personally think it’s silly NOT to start your business while you have a job. It’s the PERFECT time to build strong business foundations and test things out with a steady paycheck coming in.

Do YOU continue to take brave action even though you already have a successful, might I add, brilliant consulting business?

Ah, thanks so much Darlene! Being brave shows up on the daily. Once you get to know me I’m a dynamic goofball, but I actually struggle with being an introvert. My husband and I just moved to Mexico for the Winter and each time I open my mouth to speak my limited Spanish or smile at someone I don’t know I feel a little brave.

Each time I “put myself out there” to be judged or accepted I feel brave. Each time I publish my writing or blog posts I feel brave. To me, being brave is the act of doing something that doesn’t necessarily come naturally to you (even if only for a moment). It’s walking through unchartered territory and getting to the other side with a sigh of relief and (hopefully) a smile on your face!

You’re my business mentor, a supportive and extremely knowledgeable teacher. Do you sometimes want to hide in the sand or get discouraged? Who is someone who inspires and encourages you to keep moving forward and making brave choices in business and life?

Yes, I totally go through waves of “retreat” and discouragement. It’s normal. Entrepreneurs have ups and downs just like anyone else! I can’t say that I have one person that inspires or encourages me to keep moving forward when I hit a bump in the road…it’s more a “community” of people. I have a few great friends I turn to (some are other female entrepreneurs) and sometimes family. My husband ALWAYS has my back and is my rock whenever I start to doubt or question myself.

And whenever discouragement hits, I usually realize that I have allowed myself to mentally drift away from what matters most to me. Everyone starts their business for two reasons: 1. The life THEY want to live AND 2. The life they want their customers and clients to live. If you focus too much on one and not the other, things will get messy and there will be a disconnect. I always remind myself of this when things begin to feel out of whack.

How did an Energetic Reboot Healing with me at Insync Energy assist you on your path as a busy entrepreneur and radiant woman?

When I had my first Energetic Re-boot Healing session I was blown away by what was uncovered in my guided visualization. You could say that I literally came face to face with my self-imposed mental blocks that were holding me back financially. In a matter of 15 minutes I understood on a very deep level that my challenges were a choice…and the I had the option to choose otherwise.

Darlene’s ability to communicate with my guides was amazing. I saw where I was limiting myself and was given useful tools, places, and environments to help keep me balanced moving forward. The Reiki and chakra balancing were like a warm blanket that surrounded me for weeks after our initial session.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in our businesses…this session was a reminder that my business is a tool for a better life…not my sole purpose for living!

Thank you so much, Anna, for being brave and supporting others as they take their leaps of faith into the world! We all need role models, a strong foundation, and encouragement for when the ride is bumpy. I am thrilled that I was able to also assist you on your path when you were looking for clarity and balance.

Insync Energy was my leap of faith, helping guide people to their own inner brave heart and determined soul. If you seek guidance and healing so you can more confidently achieve your goals, visit: to see how my work can uncover your determination, motivation, and life’s passion.

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What NOT To Avoid, Be Brave

Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]


Get Your Brave On! event for February continues! Keep visiting to join and follow the community of fellow bravehearts!

What do you think is the scariest phone call or visit to make for a cancer survivor? You guessed it, a doctor’s office! Now, one might think, “Geez, if you’ve already been there, wouldn’t you know better how important that is?”

Well, yes, I do. However, no one wants to hear that they’re sick, needing medical attention immediately nevermind hearing it twice. That is a dilemma I face often. My mom asks weekly, “Have you had your first mammogram yet, Darlene? You know it can save your life. Please get one. I had cancer. Both your grandmothers had it. Please!”

Even before I did research on the benefits and hazards of mammograms, I would take that referral from my doctor and carry it around with me for months in fear of what might actually turn up if I went. It would end up in the trash. It took me two years, well, maybe a bit longer, to visit the dermatologist after my melanoma and lymph node removal surgeries. Yup. This was traumatic for my whole family and husband the longer I kept putting off a mole patrol. Nothing is now more terrifying for me than a visit to the doctor’s office.

And to make matters worse, I eat everything bad for me when I know I have to do something I don’t want to do. This recently had really gone way out of control. The more sugary foods I ate, the more I wanted. I’ve been gluten free for almost 2 years and started to slowly add it back into my diet. Oh my goodness, the taste of ciabatta bread with butter again! Heavenly…….

Result, ugh. Fatigue, migraines came back, sluggish, no motivation, and down right felt like shit! For months!

Well, my friends, I got my brave on and finally went to the doctor. Luckily, I found an amazing physician and this is key to our health. I’ve had at least 10 since I’ve lived in Portland. This week I started a whole new regiment and it is TOUGH but is going to be so worth it. Life, feeling better, knowing I am truly taking care of my body in all ways, not just energetically. I have been off sugar now for 3 days and although I am craving a huge piece of tiramasu, I gotta hang in there because if I don’t, sugar is what equals cancer. And I sure as hell don’t want to go through that again!

There are all kinds of things our bodies are telling us, not just one as simple and obvious as STOP EATING SO MUCH SUGAR. What is most important is that we stop and listen to our bodies and I recommend doing it before it gets out of control like my sugar addiction did. I kept hearing SUGAR=CANCER. I am doing well but would not have to be going through sugar withdrawal if I had paid attention sooner.

So, bravehearts, be brave, listen to your body, and act when it tells you to. That inner voice, that’s your intuition talking to you, your soul wanting you to live and thrive and take care of yourself. Being brave is being smart.

Exercise #4 for our Get Your Brave On! is do something in the next 3 days that you really find scary but know you must face. Is your body telling you something you are ignoring? Is there an issue on the back burner causing stress the longer it is left unresolved. Inhale. Exhale. Consider how to move forward. Your first step can simply be writing down an approach. Make a list of how you can undertake this project. Call in your heavenly guidance and trust. Be brave, be strong, and know you are always loved and supported.

Please add comments, here or on the events link, and call in community!

Visit and read more about the work I offer.

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Forward March!


It took me to have cancer to see that I am a brave woman. My hope is that you can discover your strength under less stressful situations. For the month of February, I created an event on facebook called Get Your Brave On! and I list exercises every 3 days for you to contemplate and practice. Each one is a step closer into yourself, into the power of your heart and soul. Questions and ‘homework’ assignments encourage and support you to look at what you have already done and what you can plan on doing in the future with more confidence.

My intention is to give you this space, this safe community, to uncover your hidden power and heal. Join, comment, inspire others with your words of encouragement. All are welcome, all are surrounded by healing angels when they participate. I hope you feel inclined to join and Get Your Brave On!

Exercises 1 and 2 are below in past posts. Exercise #3 is:
Choose 1 really out of the box, inspiring decision to go forth and put into action by the end of the month-plan a vacation, start sending out resumes if you want a new job, have that heart to heart with your partner or family member you’ve been waiting for the right time to do (no better time than the present), or ask that cute guy out you keep seeing at the coffee shop, start your own business! What have you been keep hearing in your head? Yup, get your brave on! . Ready, set, go!



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Your Voice, Your Brave

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Finding your voice and the confidence to speak up and out is where my series on Unleash Your Brave continues as does the Get Your Brave On! Challenge event. This event is an opportunity to heal AND win a Energetic Reboot Healing session (you can join the event by going to ).

A voice. Your voice. When I work with women, what comes up time and time again, is the throat chakra having been suppressed, unused, surrounded by rope and chains. I say this because this is what I am being shown as an intuitive. My clients’ guides and angels are always asking me to remove these blocks. It is time that we all find and exclaim our voice, declare our freedom from the past, from fears, from centuries of abuse, control, and misuse of power over us. Whether this is referring to YOUR ancestry and past lives, or a collective  consciousness that has been overrun by religion, government, and society, there is a call right NOW to release that connection to suppression.

It isn’t AS visible in our culture as it is in others but it is definitely still there, this silencing of our own truth. In the west, there has been a measurable increase in thyroid cancer, the area of the body where our truth would be suppressed. “This year, an estimated 60,220 adults (14,910 men and 45,310 women) in the United States will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women. The incidence rates of thyroid cancer in both women and men have been increasing in recent years, and researchers are working to figure out why.” You can read more about this by clicking here.

We stop and think twice about speaking our peace, announcing our perspective. That’s ok if it is to organize our thoughts. But it is more likely we’re thinking about a possible consequence or that it would drastically change someone’s opinion of us. What really matters to you? How others perceive your truth or how good it feels to finally be honest and truthful with YOURSELF?

This is by no means a rant about religion or government. It is a call from your soul to go deep within and find your OWN voice, not your family’s or what you’ve been told throughout your life. What is your honest to God voice? What is it you want to shout from the roof top? What awaits in your throat, your heart, your soul, to be expressed and heard? The act of finding and releasing this will bring about a shift in your being, a shiver from head to toe, a healing that will unravel that which blocks your freedom from stepping forward into your truth, your happiness.

Consider what you’ve been wanting to say and to whom. Sometimes it is who we want to communicate with that stops us. Often we care more about offending THEM or not wanting them to dislike us or afraid of what they will do. In the long run, what matters more to you? (If it is fear for your safety, find community and support, my love. There is always help. If you don’t see this, ask God and your angels to show you where and how. This I know because I’ve been there, too.)

Are you ready to loosen and release what suppresses your voice? I have exercises for your throat chakra to practice so that you can work on clearing and keeping this communication center cleansed. Why the throat chakra?  The 5th chakra, or Throat Chakra, the vishuddha, is the center that governs our speech and creative expression in the world. It’s balance will determine how honest you are, and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our mind and heartfelt thoughts.

1. Chant the word ‘ham’ (the a is spoken as ah) and really focus on the vibration of this sound in your throat

2. Writing to express your thoughts, ideas, feelings

3. Imagine the color blue, either a blue ball spinning by your throat or a blue light shining directly on your throat area like a heat lamp

4. Neck rolling, actual physical movements to open the area in your throat (the physical and energy bodies work as one to function optimally)

5. Positive affirmation: I speak clearly and confidently. It is safe for me to express myself (or create one that feels right to you).

6. Simply sing, my dears! Sing beautiful songs that make you want to dance and laugh and express yourself in all ways

These exercises can bring you closer to confidently feeling your brave! Voice your words, express your ideas and your love. Now, the next exercise for the next 3 days, as part of the Get Your Brave On! Challenge, is deciding what you have been holding back, what do you want the world to know about you, and to whom you would like to express this. Imagine they are there with you and practice. You can also practice by sharing below in the comments section of the blog or send me a contact form for privacy. Any way you choose, it is a healing and another step in as you release your BRAVE! Get Your Brave On today! Your community supports and listens to you. If you are new to the Challenge, please visit

For more information about clearing ALL of your chakras and hearing what each one has to say, you can read about the work I offer on my website

Love and Many Blessings,


Unleash Your Brave!

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Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]

When I was a little girl, everything to me was scary. Leaving my house, going to the grocery store, talking to strangers, and riding the school bus for the first time at the age of 5 in 1973 (neither the bus driver nor I knew where my stop was and I was the last child on the bus!). I cried hysterically and wet my pants.

My grandma would encourage me to overcome what she considered unfounded fears (minus the devastating bus fiasco. That was kind of founded).  She taught me how to talk to her ‘harmless old lady friends’, to smile more, and to ask the ‘intimidating’ McDonald’s cashier for ketchup. I remember asking for a packet of ketchup, grabbing it, and then hiding under the table for 5 minutes after because I felt so exposed.

Grandma taught me how to be brave. My beautiful, elegant grandmother. Lena. She had cancer from the time I was born until she passed when I was 18, just before I left for college. Grandma Lena stood strong and unbroken, one diagnosis after the next. Each surgery and round of chemotherapy and radiation didn’t slow her down. Brittle and broken bones, caused to weaken from the cancer drugs, didn’t stop Grandma from bouncing back, putting on her earrings and make-up, and going to lunch with her group of supportive, loving friends.

I watched this for 18 years, this unwavering bravery to face and fight her battles, without complaints, anger, or doubt. Grandma was the center of my universe so her life left a huge impact on how I live mine.

Then, in 2005, when I was diagnosed with cancer, there was no questioning how I would approach this obstacle-with grace, strength, and perseverance just like Grandma taught me. Like Grandma, I looked ahead and continued doing what I enjoyed and found ways that would keep me focused on how to win this with unwavering bravery.  I do believe her experiences and bravery were the reason I overcame my circumstance as quickly as I did, faster than what the doctors predicted. Of course, Grandma was with me the entire test just like she was there cheering me on at McDonald’s. Grandma Lena was right by my side, encouraging me to go deep into my soul and find my brave. And my brave I found! I went through two surgeries, a year of treatments, and kept working. Full time! I woke up each morning, put on my earrings and make-up, and made sure to go to lunch with my friends often!

Being brave does not have to be running into a burning building or facing cancer. It can be stepping out of YOUR box, like asking a stranger for ketchup, or changing careers when you’re 55, or getting out of bed after a long time following the loss of a loved one, or wanting to spread your wings after experiencing depression for years.

Bravery, “a quality that allows someone to do things that are frightening (to her).” Acts of bravery often require a helping hand or an encouraging voice, like my grandma was for me. Whether it’s a hug or a compassionate ear to listen, support from a gentle place and person can be what helps someone to cross that threshold of fear.

I have chosen to become that person for others needing an encouraging voice, an empathetic hand to hold, a quiet listener with whom to share. I created Insync Energy and Intuitive Self-Care so I could reach out and offer my gifts to you. These gifts involve gentle healing techniques, a prepared safe and cozy space, and time where you can heal and find YOUR brave. All it takes is one step forward. Your brave is right there inside of you. Can you feel it? It might be a tickle right now. But I know if you inch closer to the other side of your comfortable box, you can find it and let it out. Learn more here about how the work I do can draw out your brave, your courage, your strength. It’s time to be brave, my friend, and I can help guide you there……