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Your Voice, Your Brave

Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]

Finding your voice and the confidence to speak up and out is where my series on Unleash Your Brave continues as does the Get Your Brave On! Challenge event. This event is an opportunity to heal AND win a Energetic Reboot Healing session (you can join the event by going to ).

A voice. Your voice. When I work with women, what comes up time and time again, is the throat chakra having been suppressed, unused, surrounded by rope and chains. I say this because this is what I am being shown as an intuitive. My clients’ guides and angels are always asking me to remove these blocks. It is time that we all find and exclaim our voice, declare our freedom from the past, from fears, from centuries of abuse, control, and misuse of power over us. Whether this is referring to YOUR ancestry and past lives, or a collective  consciousness that has been overrun by religion, government, and society, there is a call right NOW to release that connection to suppression.

It isn’t AS visible in our culture as it is in others but it is definitely still there, this silencing of our own truth. In the west, there has been a measurable increase in thyroid cancer, the area of the body where our truth would be suppressed. “This year, an estimated 60,220 adults (14,910 men and 45,310 women) in the United States will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women. The incidence rates of thyroid cancer in both women and men have been increasing in recent years, and researchers are working to figure out why.” You can read more about this by clicking here.

We stop and think twice about speaking our peace, announcing our perspective. That’s ok if it is to organize our thoughts. But it is more likely we’re thinking about a possible consequence or that it would drastically change someone’s opinion of us. What really matters to you? How others perceive your truth or how good it feels to finally be honest and truthful with YOURSELF?

This is by no means a rant about religion or government. It is a call from your soul to go deep within and find your OWN voice, not your family’s or what you’ve been told throughout your life. What is your honest to God voice? What is it you want to shout from the roof top? What awaits in your throat, your heart, your soul, to be expressed and heard? The act of finding and releasing this will bring about a shift in your being, a shiver from head to toe, a healing that will unravel that which blocks your freedom from stepping forward into your truth, your happiness.

Consider what you’ve been wanting to say and to whom. Sometimes it is who we want to communicate with that stops us. Often we care more about offending THEM or not wanting them to dislike us or afraid of what they will do. In the long run, what matters more to you? (If it is fear for your safety, find community and support, my love. There is always help. If you don’t see this, ask God and your angels to show you where and how. This I know because I’ve been there, too.)

Are you ready to loosen and release what suppresses your voice? I have exercises for your throat chakra to practice so that you can work on clearing and keeping this communication center cleansed. Why the throat chakra?  The 5th chakra, or Throat Chakra, the vishuddha, is the center that governs our speech and creative expression in the world. It’s balance will determine how honest you are, and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our mind and heartfelt thoughts.

1. Chant the word ‘ham’ (the a is spoken as ah) and really focus on the vibration of this sound in your throat

2. Writing to express your thoughts, ideas, feelings

3. Imagine the color blue, either a blue ball spinning by your throat or a blue light shining directly on your throat area like a heat lamp

4. Neck rolling, actual physical movements to open the area in your throat (the physical and energy bodies work as one to function optimally)

5. Positive affirmation: I speak clearly and confidently. It is safe for me to express myself (or create one that feels right to you).

6. Simply sing, my dears! Sing beautiful songs that make you want to dance and laugh and express yourself in all ways

These exercises can bring you closer to confidently feeling your brave! Voice your words, express your ideas and your love. Now, the next exercise for the next 3 days, as part of the Get Your Brave On! Challenge, is deciding what you have been holding back, what do you want the world to know about you, and to whom you would like to express this. Imagine they are there with you and practice. You can also practice by sharing below in the comments section of the blog or send me a contact form for privacy. Any way you choose, it is a healing and another step in as you release your BRAVE! Get Your Brave On today! Your community supports and listens to you. If you are new to the Challenge, please visit

For more information about clearing ALL of your chakras and hearing what each one has to say, you can read about the work I offer on my website

Love and Many Blessings,
