Insync Energy, Reiki, and Chakra Healing

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What Truly Matters

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When we are in doubt, the times life seems to be the most challenging and unforgiving, there is a surefire way to reconnect to faith and all that truly matters. Nature in all its glory. Sit in on this show and listen to the sights and sounds of Mother Earth and all of creation. The many different songs of the birds, all so distinct, the lone butterfly enjoying nectar from the flowers, the breezes rustling the leaves, and that one beautiful rose blooming in the dead of winter.

All of these signs are a reminder of life, beauty, and sustenance that we have been given to honor, love, and cherish. They are reminders that we are not alone; everything and everyone works in conjunction with everything else.

There is a connectedness throughout all of nature bringing forth cohesive partnerships to uphold the promise of survival on Earth and of the Earth. Infinite Gratitude belongs to all players, big and small, seen and unseen. Together we stand to keep Her alive for we must live out our destiny.

Connecting to Mother Earth brings us back to the reality that the world is bigger than we are but still needs each of us to participate in ways, no matter how tiny a gesture, to protect Her. This gives each of us power and purpose for every breath we breathe into her atmosphere. Now, that is a reason to Live and Rejoice!!!!

If you are interested in discovering how to get started, how to quiet the mind and relax, so you can develop this deeper connection to nature and yourself, please contact me for a free 10 minute consultation:

Thank you for reading and I hope you have a glorious day filled with little miracles :),


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When I first began this healing journey, I had know idea what was in store for me (and frankly, for those around me!).

Cancer triggered my new goal in life, to heal and to stop the frustration of feeling that I am not what or who I thought I would be by now. What I discovered immediately was that cancer was only the tip of the iceberg. And that healing is an ongoing process, every day, almost of every minute of the day.

Sometimes I wonder with a sigh if living blindly would have been easier. Of course, in the long run, it would not have been, but I do admit it can be exhausting at times. Like yesterday when I considered throwing in the old smelly dish towel.

This is how I usually feel after visiting and spending a long time with family. We often work through issues that come up and feel and believe they have been addressed, “fixed” to some degree. Well, it feels great especially if family, or what triggers us, lives far away and not part of our daily routine. Out of sight, out of mind can sometimes feel resolved. Family is here to remind us that we are not done with that issue yet! Thank you family. No, truly, I mean it.

Family brings up emotions we thought were taken care of, healed, but come to realize have only been suppressed. Serious stuff like the ability to develop healthy relationships, self esteem, money issues, the chance to really find happiness without guilt and shame. Each time I visit home, I am reminded of this. Distance and avoidance can play serious tricks on the heart. I can pretend, I can run, I can live 3000 miles away from home. But when I return, so too does: the guilt of not having grandchildren for my mother, choosing to live so far away from her even though she would never have left her mother, sibling battles, self esteem issues involving past and present decisions, sibling insults we throw at each other stemming from old childhood pain, and most important, the idea that there is financial lack and hardship and money is stressful and secretive and worth fighting about…..Augh, I thought we took care of all of this shit!

Breathe. Relax shoulders. Think love. And the gift of Reiki. Yes, the answer to all of life, good and difficult. The memories and pictures of last week’s visit flood my mind and fill me with those unpleasant feelings of anxiety, sadness, guilt, shame….. Overly dramatic, perhaps, but my body’s way of telling me these issues are not yet resolved and may hold me back. Childhood experiences, adult experiences with the old family beliefs, affect my choices and perpetuate my fears.
This is where Reiki saves my life, again.

I call in the healing energy, hold it to my heart, and ask for gentle, soothing comfort. I ask to replace the uncovered pain with love and healing energy. This does not make it disappear. It adds new perspective to old wounds. It transforms my view from victim to observer. Painful triggers and memories are easier to look at as an observer-it is more likely to watch or replay in this role as fewer emotions will arise. What was learned? What can be done to change it for next time? What was I needing and not getting? What was the other person needing and feeling?

Reiki balances emotions so that any issue can be viewed from a less traumatic lens. Thinking of family while using Reiki is a tool like no other. My relapses after visiting home are shorter since I have adopted my Reiki practice. And I do believe that while with family, I am able to stay grounded and centered more often than not by calling in Reiki during stressful moments.

Every family has stressful moments. Reiki can give us freedom from the cords that bind us. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about how Reiki can help you break away from the old ways of how you work with your family. Distance healings are always available.You may discover a whole new world that can include loving and spending time with even the toughest of family members. Family is a big part of life. We can find ways to enjoy all family has to offer us. As I am reminded often, without family, we wouldn’t be here 😉

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Self, Health, and Matters of Family

As a practitioner who assists others with healing on an energetic level, I practice and commit to being an open channel to the Divine. It is then that I am able to receive guidance so I know what to do and how I can be of service to clients, friends, and loved ones. Intuition and trusting myself to receive this sacred information for others is the key when facilitating healing.

Sometimes I forget that the same ‘rules’ apply to me, too. When I am not feeling well, experiencing physical or emotional symptoms of some sort, it is essential that I tune into the Divine and trust my intuition so that I can help myself.

When I have so much information about myself, it is often difficult to set aside old beliefs and see my own situation clearly. However, last night, I was proud that I was able to tune into guidance— for me. I am visiting family for a week and tend to wander away from healthy choices I have made as an adult concerning physical and emotional well-being. To make things easier, I eat what my mom has in the house and eat the special foods she enjoys making for me. I’ve gone through several years of explaining to her why I no longer eat certain foods. We usually go straight from the airport to the grocery store because food is a priority for mom, wanting to make sure I have what I need while I am here. The prices of the gluten free foods and organic fruits and vegetables I eat cause her great stress and angst. This time, as she has not been feeling well, I chose not to go down that road, so we skipped the trip to the grocery store.

I am discovering that while I am trying to save my mom from the stress related grocery store incident, my body is telling me that what I am putting in it is more important. Last night, I kept dreaming that I could not breathe. Several times I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air. I realized that my throat was closing, as if I was experiencing an allergic reaction to something I ate. Well, the only allergies I have are to antibiotics and occasionally funny reactions to peanuts. Rather than getting scared, I decided to tune into my body and angels and intuitive guidance. I immediately heard, “It was the chicken I ate for dinner. It was not organic. Think of what is used while raising the animals for food that is not organic. Aaaaaah! Hormones and antibiotics!” Bingo! I took a benedryl, prayed that my airways cleared for safe breathing, gave myself Reiki, and fell asleep for the rest of the night.

Lessons learned:

#1 My health and well-being is more important than trying to control someone else’s level of stress-which has nothing to do with me in the first place. I love my mom but I also love being able to breathe. Even though it is only a week, food and emotional choices are a priority. So glad it is raining today so we can go to the grocery store for some healthy choices without missing outdoor time :).

#2 We love our family, try to protect them. I know. I also know that the wisdom to understand that some things cannot be changed or controlled, the serenity prayer, was written in regards to navigating family relationships.

Here’s to health, self, and the Serenity Prayer!