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The Healing Power of the Smile


It has been a while since I’ve come here to my blog. I sometimes become overwhelmed by all of the forms of technology there are to take away my physical and emotional energy. Depletion of this energy is so common among all of us as social media, T.V., video games, movies, etc flood our lives. We often don’t even realize it’s happening or why we feel so fatigued, drained, suffering from headaches and short tempers.

Hence, the motivation for the theme for the next four weeks of blog posts: Little Surefire Ways to Raise Your Energy Big.

One pretty for sure way to re-energize, or to regain your composure, might not be the first idea you think of when discussing how to restore your supply of energy and start the healing process out of a funk. It is simply…..The Smile.


A few facts about how smiles affect your emotions, making you feel happier, therefore, increasing your energy level: Try them!

1. The muscles you use when you smile actually sends a message to your brain, causing your brain to release ‘happy feeling’ endorphins

2. The smile and feeling ‘happy signals’ boost your immune system

3. Smiling reduces stress (especially when you mean it!)

4. Wearing a smile is a double whammee step towards feeling better. Not only does it physically and emotionally contribute to raising your mood; it will also do so for whomever your smile is directed!

And, of course, when you smile, it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to ;-).

Join me this week as I ask for your assistance on my facebook page in spreading smiles and healing across the planet. Please add pictures and quotes to the blog or facebook page that make you smile and what you think would cause others to smile. Let’s raise the vibration of all our friends one smile at a time. Thank you for your time and love!

If you are drained and fatigued and looking for further emotional and physical healing, visit my Re-Boot Your Life page for service options 🙂

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Always 13 When Visiting Home

As many of us experience, sometimes visiting family can be quite shocking to the system-energetically and emotionally. Even if it is just because there is a change in our normal routine, the whole body can be sent out of wack, spiraling downward into a puddle of mush on the floor. That is where I found myself this morning. 

With each return after a visit home as an adult, it is taking a shorter amount of time for me to readjust back to ‘normalcy’. We grow and change and sometimes our family likes things the way they are, well, were. I decided to stop trying to make them change, to see things my way. I love them how they are and I recognize offering health or wellness advice creates much anxiety for them. Rather than making it a battle trying to convince them of all I learned during and after cancer, I must just be there and just BE when I visit.

It isn’t easy though. But I have stopped trying to prove anything or force my opinions on them. And no matter how much I’ve grown, or how I behave when I am 3,000 miles away, there is something about being with family, those who knew me as I was, that makes me revert right back to childhood behaviors. The lack of confidence bubbles back up to the surface, the fears and doubts of my adult choices rush back into my head and gut.

Each visit I believe I can avoid returning to my 13 year old self. But by day 3, there she is, shy, frightened, doubtful 13 year old Dar. I cry, yell, and wave my hands around when my perspective is overlooked. I grow impatient and frustrated and short tempered. And then it happens. Mom cries. And reminds me how she only gets to see me twice a year and she never knows when will be the last time because I live so far away and……. I didn’t give her grandchildren. Then the Jewish guilt rolls in like a tsunami! 

I spend the evenings repeating in my head that I am the best daughter I can be while I live the life that is best for me. If I lived the life my mom wanted me to (which I actually did try to do!), I would live right around the corner from her in a town that is really for senior citizens, have a kid or 2, and would probably still be a teacher. In other words, I would be miserable living the life she dreams for me (for her). Healthy for absolutely no one. Which is why I cannot do exactly what she wants. Which is why, during each visit, I succumb to Jewish guilt, not being the daughter my mom was for her mom. I accept it now but still feel her disappointment.

I come home to my husband and dogs carrying a boulder on my back. Returning to my life usually takes a long time and literally feels like stepping out of a black hole all discombobulated and living the lives of the childhood Dar and the adult healthier Darlene. Day one or 2 is the big release, about an hour of crying and letting it all out. I pay tribute to the child who continues to reappear, asking for healing and unconditional love. She was always loved, just so overprotected that she was taught and learned to be fearful of everything and anything. I teach her that it’s ok to step out of what everyone else is doing but she does get reprimanded by her mom. I continue to role model for her, regardless of what her family tells her. And I certainly keep making mistakes. But I can tell her that’s ok to do. That’s experiencing life. That’s stepping out so that each time she does, it is less and less scary and more and more exciting. That’s where learning takes place. 

Now, my biggest lesson was having cancer. If it had been up to my mom, obviously, it wouldn’t have happened. However, if it hadn’t, I would not have discovered my life’s purpose, my intuitive gifts, my abilities to help others heal and laugh and grow and find their life’s purpose. I can’t imagine not having had that experience 8 years ago, who I would be right now, not having the life or friends I have or the most important knowledge and wisdom that came from what happened. I take that perspective when I start feeling guilty about not being able to do what mom says would make her happy. Sometimes we have to go through uncomfortable circumstances to learn and grow and also be able to relate to the rest of the world.

I am happy for the good, bad, and ugly. I am thankful for going home and having that child resurface so I can heal her and grow stronger as an adult. I love my family and understand each visit will be an opportunity for hopefully all of us to learn and grow. I am lucky for people who love me so much, who want me close by, who want to hold me and never let me go. My mom is a Jewish mother angel who I know is and will always be there for me no matter what, even if I didn’t give her grandchildren ;-).









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Get Your Brave On! Challenge


In my previous post, I talked about bravery, the act of doing something that frightens us. This can be anything outside your comfort zone. For me, when I was little, it was asking the McDonald’s cashier for a packet of ketchup! Well, while praying and crossing my heart to Jesus yesterday as I drove home in a scary snow storm, I opened some exciting, creative pathways on the subject of being brave (yes, this experience of snow driving had something to do with stirring up some more brave in me!).

So, for the month of February, I am going to offer the “Get Your Brave On!” Challenge for my supportive and brave community. When I post, “It’s time to get your brave on,” there will be a fun activity to take part in as you step out of your box for the day. Those who participate will be entered in a drawing to win a free Energetic Reboot Healing Session from Insync Energy! This healing session can be done no matter where you are, remotely or in office. Here’s the link to read more about that:

Our first exercise! Today’s “Get Your Brave On” exercise is to think about something you have done, in the past or recently, that you felt brave for accomplishing. To share your thoughts on reaching into your brave self, you can either enter comments here on the blog or fill out the contact form to send my way. Remember, your experiences can inspire others, too! It doesn’t have to be something like running into a burning building; mine was asking for ketchup at McDonald’s when I was 10! You can include how that felt, what emotions arose for you, how did your body respond to before and after your act of being brave?

Thank you so much for jouneying along with me to unleash and honor your brave, my friends. I’m excited to read your comments!

Light and Blessings


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Imaginations Are Not just For Kids!


This month and all of July I felt as if I have been clawing my way to the top, trying desperately to find the way out of the cavernous whole I seemed to be in. Figuratively and literally searching for air to breathe. Sometimes, when faced with what appears to be a problem, is the Universe giving you the way out.

Unfortunately, for me this time, since I was already in that ‘fight or flight’ mode mentally and emotionally, my answer from the Universe to get out of the airless cavern caused panic attacks and actual airway tightening, unable to breathe body symptoms.

I would think that after being told I had cancer 8 years ago, that nothing would ever feel quite like that again. But, to my surprise, this message did feel that way. Fear, doubt, anxiety-holy crap! It is lasting longer than my reaction did to a cancer diagnosis.

As I search for peace and a doorway leading me to the fresh air, the messages I keep hearing again and again, from friends, intuitive readings I have been seeking, and from my own intuition, is CREATE A VISION OF WHAT MY DREAMS AND INTENTIONS LOOK LIKE. THE UNIVERSE WILL PROVIDE IF I SHOW IT WHAT I WANT TO CREATE.

For this month, I invite you to join me in envisioning something you want to manifest in your life right now. We can begin with something small. Imagine, find a picture of what it looks like-google images and see if you can find the perfect picture to focus on that represents what you would like. Let’s focus on that image, let’s allow our brain to believe we have it. Feel it, conjure the emotions around what it would feel like to have. Dance with that in your heart and soul. Live as if it already is.

I’ve done this before and sometimes I forget how easy it can be.

Here I go again. I have chosen my first image. Have you? Join me and share below. I would love to hear how it goes for you! I am a Warrior persevering through it all, successfully and joyfully.

If you feel as if you require healing around what you would like to manifest, if you believe you are not good enough, smart enough, creative enough, I say bologna! We are all divine beings and our creator truly wants us to experience happiness and feel success and love. I can quickly help you step beyond this initial block with a 10 minute guided meditation your angels walk you through! Interested in learning more:

Imagine, have fun with it, be a kid again! Love to you on your journey!


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Cancer, A Lesson I Did Not Learn About In School

We ALL have a dream inside of us, whether we know what it looks like or not. We know what brings us joy. We know what doesn’t bring us joy. Sometimes there is a lesson in that which brings us ‘unjoy’. If you are experiencing a situation that is uncomfortable, ongoing, making you ill, find where in your body the sensations are when you think about this situation. Ask what the lesson is. The sooner you recognize this, the sooner you can learn it, accept it as a lesson/experience, thank it and move on. Yes, it can be as simple or as complicated as we make it.

When I had cancer, I asked why, what is the lesson that can possibly be taught from having one of the most deadly forms of disease in the world??? OH, EVERYTHING! My current lifestyle at the time, who my friends were, my constant worrying about everything, doubt, fear, and most important, my life purpose and gratitude for what I have and who I am. BIG lessons that I am sooo thankful for today. I recognized it, thanked it with huge kudos, and now have a healing practice, honoring my life purpose knowing that without that lesson, I, and others I assist with on their healing journey, would not be here to day in the way that we are, showing up more confidently and divinely. Cancer free and living to serve, that is my calling, that is my joy <3.

What do you think you are ready to look at and thank and let go of?

Visit to find out more about how Reiki and Energy Healing was what saved my life from cancer and how it can help you, too! For any illness or emotional trauma. ANYTHING if you are ready to heal and let go. With a mentor by your side, I can assist you with the process along the way. Love to you on your journey! I hope our paths cross one day.

Please visit Insync Energy on facebook for inspiration and healing tools to feed the soul.


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Healing From The Grace of the Earth


When we heal, it is an inward journey, restoring our bodies emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

We can find assistance with this from the outer world, the Earth and all Her glorious love.

Empowered by the grace of Earth.
Find strength in Her strength.
Grow roots next to Her roots.
Expand and heal through the understanding of her nutrients.
She can sustain you, build you hire than you ever imagined.

When seasons change, share Her joy in the uniqueness of each one and anticipate with Her birth, renewal, release, and slumber as the seasons come and go.

Rejoice in the cycle of Her life. In return, She will empower, strengthen, grow, expand, heal, enjoy, anticipate, and rejoice with you and within you!

Celebrating the Earth and how to access Her Divine Healing, Light, and Love during any and all experiences in life. Join me on or visit to learn about my healing services. If we are granted with Divine graciousness, I am able to offer healings sessions outside! Portland weather can be unpredictable but powerfully healing.

In Light and Joy,


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Exercising Emotional Health


There is so much talk and truth about the importance of physical health, exercise, and nutrition-the 3-D parts of us. There is an aspect of our bodies that go unnoticed, ignored, pushed way down deep hoping never to be seen again. Emotions, the voice of the heart, do not always have a place in our culture. But they have ended up being very rampant in their physical forms in countries across the world that do not give value to emotional health.

As a cancer survivor, I am here to tell you that those ignored parts of us do not disappear because we have turned our backs on them. When unaddressed, left to spoil while unattended to, an unresolved emotion finds a way to resurface, to get the attention of the soul who has denied it a voice.

Emotions tucked away have the potential to manifest as physical symptoms. Whether we do not have time to address them or risk societal backlash, emotions go unmet while the soul is still longing for recognition of them. Our emotional self is very much a part of the whole self, as significant to our health as the physical.

Negative or ignored emotions remain somewhere in the body, causing an energetic wedge that disrupts the vital flow of life force energy that is keeping us alive, nourishing all our body parts. This obstruction prevents our body from being fully and properly nourished on a physical level. Consider what it feels like when you try to keep from crying-something like a lump in the throat, often causing a pain in the heart and can take your breath away. Think how years and years of suppressing these emotions play havoc on you and your body.

My emotions that I did want to address, sadness and ager around my father leaving when I was little, always feeling like I wasn’t good enough or smart enough or pretty enough, they eventually had had enough of being ignored and unresolved! My body grew tired of trying to function inefficiently with all of the emotional wedges keeping my life force energy from flowing freely and healthy. It finally manifested as a cancer, right in the back of my heart chakra!

It wasn’t over night that I recognized them all. But as I recovered, I committed to retrieving the rest of them. I was quite finished with the idea of having to endure cancer again. Emotional health and healing is not quick or easy, but it can be simple. Self-care is the first step to emotional healing and health. What is self-care? However you feel taking care of ALL aspects of you can be accomplished. It is an easier road when you choose a modality that helps you uncover those unmet needs you have been ignoring, one of them most likely is caring for yourself ;-).

The work I offer as a Reiki Master Teacher and Intuitive Self-Care Mentor is primarily to gently and compassionately guide you through your emotional AND physical healing, together, not separately. Insync Energy healing sessions are designed to assist you with finding which needs and emotions are calling you to acknowledge them. I create a safe and supportive space where we take an intuitive journey to your soul, your heart, and heal what has been holding you back, delaying proper health and happiness.

You can say YES to emotional healing and agree to cross that bridge. If not, you can jog, climb that stairmaster 7 days a week, take your supplements, and eat your veggies but still not reach your ultimate goal or feel fully satisfied. Under the muscles and heart rate and healthy pulse, lies an energetic and emotional heart waiting for its moment in the sun.

Insync Energy sessions can show you how to accomplish this holistic view of healing all aspects of you. Interested in learning how to create a healthy body from the physical you to the outer layers of your aura and soul? Visit and read about my unique and loving alternative to unhealthy emotional stagnation. It is time to heal and shine!

Live or via phone/skype, we can gently uncover those emotions waiting for a chance to speak their voice, be heard, and healed.

In Light and Joy,


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May Your Faith Never Waiver–Quest of Your Own Divine Perseverance


(Inspired by the heroes and their courage: Freedom Fighters 1776)

              Any monumental date in history is a lesson we can translate into our own lives. The fourth of July is no exception. Here is a moment in time, when against all odds, the rights and freedoms of a nation were at stake and the people did everything possible to gain their divine liberties.

              The determination and perseverance of this union would not waiver until it won. Were they frightened, doubtful, discouraged at times? Who wouldn’t be when so much was at risk, weapons involved, and the other side outnumbering them? The goal, freedom, was more important to them than even their lives for the preservation of the people and principle they served.

             Consider this when faced with fear or uncertainty. How much does it mean to you to achieve completion? Most often, not life-threatening but in some cases it is (if there is practice around a non-life-threatening experience, it may be easier to face something that is!). To recognize fear and doubt but to continue the devotion with grit and insistence is walking in faith and trust. This is especially so when the situation at hand is in regards to the rights we possess as divine beings a promise of eternal salvation when put upon this good earth.

              Now, I certainly do not normally quote or refer to the Bible. I am not religious but spiritual. So, my belief in God, Spirit, The Creator, The Universe is strong and I have faith in the power of God to do what is for the highest good. There are some great words found in the great Book-there is much of it that was channeled to those who wrote it. Choosing the quotes as I have used below are to point out what ALL God’s creatures have the divine right to receive, no exceptions.

              “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory…”. That’s Phillipians 4:19. Now notice, God has obligated Himself only to the extent of our needs. That would include food, clothing, shelter, companionship, love, and salvation.”

              In Corinthians 10:13. Jude wrote: “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present your faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy” (Jude v 24). Darius, King of the Medes, said to Daniel, “Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee” (Daniel 6:16). He did deliver Daniel from the den of lions.”

               What are you seeking as a Divine Being given these rights and the freedom to live not in the den with lions but a life filled with plenty of food, clothing, shelter, companionship, and love? What will you do to ensure you have access to what the Universe has promised? A bigger question maybe, “Do you believe you are worthy of these divine privileges?

              You have been given life and therefore the power to create those circumstances which would bring forth all that we have been authorized to obtain. Will you face fear and the unknown to claim your truths and divine birthright?

         Courage, Faith, Trust, Compassion, Love, and Gratitude. These, I believe, are the 6 key ingredients for welcoming and ensuring you live your Divine Path. We can walk confidently in our shoes knowing it is all ours if we believe it to be so.

           Please visit and discover how energy work and intuitive mentoring can assist you with recognizing and embracing your own divine gifts and how to live a divinely happy life!

Follow Insync on facebook and enjoy monthly deals offered only as special treats!

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Creating a Peaceful Valley


There are many, many coaches and leaders and mentors out there wanting us to STEP INTO YOUR POWER, BE GODDESS, ROAR YOUR FEMININITY…..It’s a process. There is first deep healing that needs to be done before walking into that place. We ALL have to. Those coaches and mentors had to first do it, too.

The stuff that needs healing doesn’t evaporate. It is there beneath the surface, like my melanoma was the tip of my iceberg. It could barely be seen but went much more deeply than even the doctors had imagined. Physically, it was deeply rooted in the lymph nodes under my left arm. Those were all removed. However, Emotionally, I am still working on it!

Like a cancer, suppressed emotions, feelings, old beliefs, fester away in our bodies. It may be unseen, unheard, unfelt, but still there being destructive without us even aware of what is being destroyed. Is it hope, confidence, courage, faith, trust? What are your old memories and beliefs destroying and keeping you from accomplishing?

It does not help by ignoring it or pretending nothing is there. Going deeply, I have found old beliefs I didn’t even know I carried. I have gone to my shadow self to look for what holds me back. It isn’t easy, there are tears but they need the escape in order to move forward and live the full potential God intended.

It is so worth going into that place where we are unsure of what we will see. There is darkness, pain, sorrow, anger-everything you need to let go of is there just waiting to be acknowledged. That’s all. Acknowledged that it is there, had a purpose, made you stronger and wiser.

Unless we even know what is there to release, it will keep hold of us. I have been there and I have seen and felt that side. Well, I have stepped through the tunnel, I have weathered that storm and can now express how liberating it is to be here, on the side of light and freedom. I faced what was holding me in an old, unproductive cycle of doubt and unsuccesses. I was keeping myself there because I carried an old story that successful women were intimidating and selfish.

After walking through the darkness, I now stand in the light of a beautiful, peaceful valley. Will there be more tunnels and other storms? Well, this is life. But I can walk through them now knowing there is another light-filled peaceful valley on the other side. It is a balance of knowing how to navigate through the storm, acknowledging the lessons being offered, recognizing any old paradigms that I was taught and can safely release.

There is a time when there are more peaceful valleys and fewer storms and this has a lot to do with how we learn to perceive a storm. If we acknowledge it for what it is, not attach ourselves to it, we can bless it and send it on its way.

From personal experience, I recommend walking through a healing session. Gentle guided meditations, Chakra balancing, and Reiki can walk you through whatever is hidden within your soul thinking it is protecting you. Don’t let old, suppressed memories and emotions eat you up inside. Consider taking a healing journey with me and give your soul a chance to show you what you are carrying that does not serve you anymore.

May your life bring fewer destructive forces and more peaceful valleys 🙂

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Free At Last!


Forgiveness. This is the real true tool to happiness and soul development.

What happens when we hold on to anger and resentment? Or spend precious time thinking about hurts and people that were involved? Sometimes even wishing they experience pain and suffering, too?

There is an energy that grips us when we hold on to anger of a person or situation. It literally wastes time and eats away at our soul and spirit. Anger and resentment can take hold of our heart and block good from coming our way. Energetically, it constricts and even blocks the flow of your life force that is designed to keep your physical body functioning effectively and properly.

Anger and resentment effect your body in all possible ways-emotionally, energetically, and even physically. Pain, tumors, heartburn, headaches-these are some common physical symptoms the body can develop as a result of hanging on to the emotional pain and anger.

Is it easy to let go no matter how much you felt wronged? Well, it isn’t easy but it is as simple or as complicated as we make it.

Can it happen over the course of a day or night? Actually, it can. If we have already been ready and willing. It can also take longer, depending on how many layers the anger has to be stripped away. One layer may come off and allow the lighter feeling of freedom to encourage us to delve deeper.

Here is a very effective exercise for facing and releasing anger so you can forgive and finally live again (or for the first time).

First, identify the anger. When you think of the cause, where do you feel it in your body?

Does it have a color or shape? Really observe its attributes and where it resides. Does it have a texture? What form or object can you associate with it? Take a few minutes in silence to concentrate on this place, sending green healing energy to it.

Once you feel less effected by its presence, ask if there was a lesson. Think of a gift or blessing it may have given to you. If it is too close to when it happened, the positive outcome may not be as recognizable.

Continue sending healing light to the area of your body where this anger is being stored. Gently consider what the lesson might be. Breathe deeply for a series of 5 inhales and exhales.

Now envision a tube-like connection from the bottom of your spine to the earth.

Go to your core, your stomach, which is the center of your being. Imagine a light, like a candle flame burning. Picture it getting bigger and brighter and warmer like the sun. This healing angelic light gently moves to where your body is holding on to this vibration of anger. The light envelopes this now physical energy and takes it to the bottom of your spine where this tube is waiting to collect what no longer serves you and sends it down into the earth. You can slowly breathe in and exhale enthusiastically as you give it extra force downward J.

For example, I had cancer. At first, I was angry and really scared. Then I sent all kinds of healing light and prayers to it. When I was less afraid and mad, I asked what it was really all about. It was no coincidence that I found Reiki at the same time. Receiving Reiki during a cancer journey was a miracle. A must share with everybody experiencing disease or pain or suffering of any kind! That is what it must be! The cancer lesson, the blessing, was that I must show others this healing miracle Reiki that is accessible to the whole world! Yes, even cancer can be forgiven and has the potential to be a blessing J.

Another very important lesson I learned about forgiveness and letting go of anger was something I held on to for over 40 years. This may be more relatable to those of you who have spent life times with anger and family problems.

I was 5 when my father left us and began a new life. What is a 5 year supposed to think when she sees her daddy with a new family? Not to say he didn’t try to see me, but again, what would a 5 year old feel and think as her father lived on with another daughter and new wife in toe?

I held on to this hurt and resentment most of my life. Until I started doing healing work, I hadn’t connected my insecurities and fear of abandonment with childhood. Whatever we experience before the age of 7 sticks like glue in our subconscious. And in my case, that sense of safety and security was compromised. Hence, 40 years later, I began healing issues regarding feeling unsafe and insecure and not worthy all of the time.

When I finally decided it was time to release my father and honor his life path, the feeling of freedom was remarkable. I decided it was time to forgive his choices. They took him on his path, and took me on mine!

I used to believe that this was the most harm that was ever placed on me. Once I was finally able to face that anger, who it was attached to, and found compassion and forgiveness for why it happened, I released it like a balloon into the sky.

And honestly, there was room for forgiving myself for not wanting to see him before he passed. I had a chance to write and tell him I forgave him and he seemed to appreciate that. He visits as his spirit makes up for lost time. I occasionally feel his presence and we talk about what happened. He understands now why I didn’t want to see him and I forgive him for not figuring that out for himself.

As you journey through this life, remember that it is too short and too beautiful to spend time carrying anger around in your body and soul. Not to say don’t get angry! That is a very valid emotion we were obviously given to experience. Simply recognize there is so much more to focus on in this life. The prolonged anger only slows down our soul’s development and pushes the good away.

Time may be the key if you are not ready right now. Consider the more exciting thoughts you would prefer to carry until then.

May you find peace and healing along your path. There really are so many blessings around us to focus on that keep our vibration higher, attracting the goodness the Universe has to offer.

As always, I am available to assist you when you decide to take the healing path to freedom, declaration of self worth, and peace <3. Visit