Insync Energy, Reiki, and Chakra Healing

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Caring For Your Personal Energy

energy field

You can take control of the quality of your life, vitality, and health simply by understanding and improving how you care for your energy system. March at Insync Energy is about defining and taking care of your energy body. This actually starts OUTSIDE of your physical body with what is known as your energy field. What is your energy field? It is the electromagnetic pulse your physical body radiates outward like an outer layer of skin that adds an extra layer of protection. This is one area that can be considered when wanting to care for your own energy system. Animals, and the early human, use this as a tool to sense what is going on around us-it gives us feedback from our environment.

Since the energy field is electromagnetic, it can attract other energy. The result is attracting all energy that you encounter, the good, the bad, the ugly.This is where we can begin with caring for our energy body, being aware of when it needs cleaning and clearing and how to protect IT like it protects us. Here are some tips that can assist you with cleansing and strengthening your electromagnetic energy field, because if you don’t, you risk impairing your body physically and emotionally.

1. Imagine that you are a tree and you pull energy up from the Earth and down from the sun. Then expand that energy out around you.

2. Take a shower and imagine the water cleansing your field of all stagnant energies or energies that aren’t your own.

3. Be in nature and natural light at least an hour every day.

4. Bring your awareness into your heart. Think of something or someone that makes you feel love, happiness, joy and/or appreciation. Let those feelings spread through you into the space around you.

The energy healing techniques I offer at Insync Energy and Intuitive Self-Care can provide clearing, cleansing, and harmonizing your entire energy system for optimal health of your body, mind, and soul. My healing sessions take you on a soul journey where you take a look at where your body, mind, and energy require clearing. Once we have a keener sense of what is the core of your needs, we can clear the vulnerable issues that weaken your energy system and heal and strengthen those areas that actually took physical form somewhere in or around your physical body.

Energy Work, techniques that help you locate, identify, and potentially heal and remove what ails the body, is a unique, yet effective, modality that can uncover the source of imbalance, illness, and weakness unlike any other traditional practice. There is always a cause, the beginning of any imbalance in the body. It usually starts as unresolved emotions around specific events. The journeying and guided meditation I begin my sessions with take you to the core of where it all began, sometimes infancy, childhood, even past lives!

Please follow this month’s blog as I continue to expand on what is your energy system, why it affects your health, and how I can help you clear and maintain a healthy and radiant life.

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Your Voice, Your Brave

Dar in Lincoln City OR edit06[1]

Finding your voice and the confidence to speak up and out is where my series on Unleash Your Brave continues as does the Get Your Brave On! Challenge event. This event is an opportunity to heal AND win a Energetic Reboot Healing session (you can join the event by going to ).

A voice. Your voice. When I work with women, what comes up time and time again, is the throat chakra having been suppressed, unused, surrounded by rope and chains. I say this because this is what I am being shown as an intuitive. My clients’ guides and angels are always asking me to remove these blocks. It is time that we all find and exclaim our voice, declare our freedom from the past, from fears, from centuries of abuse, control, and misuse of power over us. Whether this is referring to YOUR ancestry and past lives, or a collective  consciousness that has been overrun by religion, government, and society, there is a call right NOW to release that connection to suppression.

It isn’t AS visible in our culture as it is in others but it is definitely still there, this silencing of our own truth. In the west, there has been a measurable increase in thyroid cancer, the area of the body where our truth would be suppressed. “This year, an estimated 60,220 adults (14,910 men and 45,310 women) in the United States will be diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women. The incidence rates of thyroid cancer in both women and men have been increasing in recent years, and researchers are working to figure out why.” You can read more about this by clicking here.

We stop and think twice about speaking our peace, announcing our perspective. That’s ok if it is to organize our thoughts. But it is more likely we’re thinking about a possible consequence or that it would drastically change someone’s opinion of us. What really matters to you? How others perceive your truth or how good it feels to finally be honest and truthful with YOURSELF?

This is by no means a rant about religion or government. It is a call from your soul to go deep within and find your OWN voice, not your family’s or what you’ve been told throughout your life. What is your honest to God voice? What is it you want to shout from the roof top? What awaits in your throat, your heart, your soul, to be expressed and heard? The act of finding and releasing this will bring about a shift in your being, a shiver from head to toe, a healing that will unravel that which blocks your freedom from stepping forward into your truth, your happiness.

Consider what you’ve been wanting to say and to whom. Sometimes it is who we want to communicate with that stops us. Often we care more about offending THEM or not wanting them to dislike us or afraid of what they will do. In the long run, what matters more to you? (If it is fear for your safety, find community and support, my love. There is always help. If you don’t see this, ask God and your angels to show you where and how. This I know because I’ve been there, too.)

Are you ready to loosen and release what suppresses your voice? I have exercises for your throat chakra to practice so that you can work on clearing and keeping this communication center cleansed. Why the throat chakra?  The 5th chakra, or Throat Chakra, the vishuddha, is the center that governs our speech and creative expression in the world. It’s balance will determine how honest you are, and how well you can express yourself with the people around you. It is through this chakra that we speak our mind and heartfelt thoughts.

1. Chant the word ‘ham’ (the a is spoken as ah) and really focus on the vibration of this sound in your throat

2. Writing to express your thoughts, ideas, feelings

3. Imagine the color blue, either a blue ball spinning by your throat or a blue light shining directly on your throat area like a heat lamp

4. Neck rolling, actual physical movements to open the area in your throat (the physical and energy bodies work as one to function optimally)

5. Positive affirmation: I speak clearly and confidently. It is safe for me to express myself (or create one that feels right to you).

6. Simply sing, my dears! Sing beautiful songs that make you want to dance and laugh and express yourself in all ways

These exercises can bring you closer to confidently feeling your brave! Voice your words, express your ideas and your love. Now, the next exercise for the next 3 days, as part of the Get Your Brave On! Challenge, is deciding what you have been holding back, what do you want the world to know about you, and to whom you would like to express this. Imagine they are there with you and practice. You can also practice by sharing below in the comments section of the blog or send me a contact form for privacy. Any way you choose, it is a healing and another step in as you release your BRAVE! Get Your Brave On today! Your community supports and listens to you. If you are new to the Challenge, please visit

For more information about clearing ALL of your chakras and hearing what each one has to say, you can read about the work I offer on my website

Love and Many Blessings,


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Imaginations Are Not just For Kids!


This month and all of July I felt as if I have been clawing my way to the top, trying desperately to find the way out of the cavernous whole I seemed to be in. Figuratively and literally searching for air to breathe. Sometimes, when faced with what appears to be a problem, is the Universe giving you the way out.

Unfortunately, for me this time, since I was already in that ‘fight or flight’ mode mentally and emotionally, my answer from the Universe to get out of the airless cavern caused panic attacks and actual airway tightening, unable to breathe body symptoms.

I would think that after being told I had cancer 8 years ago, that nothing would ever feel quite like that again. But, to my surprise, this message did feel that way. Fear, doubt, anxiety-holy crap! It is lasting longer than my reaction did to a cancer diagnosis.

As I search for peace and a doorway leading me to the fresh air, the messages I keep hearing again and again, from friends, intuitive readings I have been seeking, and from my own intuition, is CREATE A VISION OF WHAT MY DREAMS AND INTENTIONS LOOK LIKE. THE UNIVERSE WILL PROVIDE IF I SHOW IT WHAT I WANT TO CREATE.

For this month, I invite you to join me in envisioning something you want to manifest in your life right now. We can begin with something small. Imagine, find a picture of what it looks like-google images and see if you can find the perfect picture to focus on that represents what you would like. Let’s focus on that image, let’s allow our brain to believe we have it. Feel it, conjure the emotions around what it would feel like to have. Dance with that in your heart and soul. Live as if it already is.

I’ve done this before and sometimes I forget how easy it can be.

Here I go again. I have chosen my first image. Have you? Join me and share below. I would love to hear how it goes for you! I am a Warrior persevering through it all, successfully and joyfully.

If you feel as if you require healing around what you would like to manifest, if you believe you are not good enough, smart enough, creative enough, I say bologna! We are all divine beings and our creator truly wants us to experience happiness and feel success and love. I can quickly help you step beyond this initial block with a 10 minute guided meditation your angels walk you through! Interested in learning more:

Imagine, have fun with it, be a kid again! Love to you on your journey!


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Healing From The Grace of the Earth


When we heal, it is an inward journey, restoring our bodies emotionally, energetically, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

We can find assistance with this from the outer world, the Earth and all Her glorious love.

Empowered by the grace of Earth.
Find strength in Her strength.
Grow roots next to Her roots.
Expand and heal through the understanding of her nutrients.
She can sustain you, build you hire than you ever imagined.

When seasons change, share Her joy in the uniqueness of each one and anticipate with Her birth, renewal, release, and slumber as the seasons come and go.

Rejoice in the cycle of Her life. In return, She will empower, strengthen, grow, expand, heal, enjoy, anticipate, and rejoice with you and within you!

Celebrating the Earth and how to access Her Divine Healing, Light, and Love during any and all experiences in life. Join me on or visit to learn about my healing services. If we are granted with Divine graciousness, I am able to offer healings sessions outside! Portland weather can be unpredictable but powerfully healing.

In Light and Joy,


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Exercising Emotional Health


There is so much talk and truth about the importance of physical health, exercise, and nutrition-the 3-D parts of us. There is an aspect of our bodies that go unnoticed, ignored, pushed way down deep hoping never to be seen again. Emotions, the voice of the heart, do not always have a place in our culture. But they have ended up being very rampant in their physical forms in countries across the world that do not give value to emotional health.

As a cancer survivor, I am here to tell you that those ignored parts of us do not disappear because we have turned our backs on them. When unaddressed, left to spoil while unattended to, an unresolved emotion finds a way to resurface, to get the attention of the soul who has denied it a voice.

Emotions tucked away have the potential to manifest as physical symptoms. Whether we do not have time to address them or risk societal backlash, emotions go unmet while the soul is still longing for recognition of them. Our emotional self is very much a part of the whole self, as significant to our health as the physical.

Negative or ignored emotions remain somewhere in the body, causing an energetic wedge that disrupts the vital flow of life force energy that is keeping us alive, nourishing all our body parts. This obstruction prevents our body from being fully and properly nourished on a physical level. Consider what it feels like when you try to keep from crying-something like a lump in the throat, often causing a pain in the heart and can take your breath away. Think how years and years of suppressing these emotions play havoc on you and your body.

My emotions that I did want to address, sadness and ager around my father leaving when I was little, always feeling like I wasn’t good enough or smart enough or pretty enough, they eventually had had enough of being ignored and unresolved! My body grew tired of trying to function inefficiently with all of the emotional wedges keeping my life force energy from flowing freely and healthy. It finally manifested as a cancer, right in the back of my heart chakra!

It wasn’t over night that I recognized them all. But as I recovered, I committed to retrieving the rest of them. I was quite finished with the idea of having to endure cancer again. Emotional health and healing is not quick or easy, but it can be simple. Self-care is the first step to emotional healing and health. What is self-care? However you feel taking care of ALL aspects of you can be accomplished. It is an easier road when you choose a modality that helps you uncover those unmet needs you have been ignoring, one of them most likely is caring for yourself ;-).

The work I offer as a Reiki Master Teacher and Intuitive Self-Care Mentor is primarily to gently and compassionately guide you through your emotional AND physical healing, together, not separately. Insync Energy healing sessions are designed to assist you with finding which needs and emotions are calling you to acknowledge them. I create a safe and supportive space where we take an intuitive journey to your soul, your heart, and heal what has been holding you back, delaying proper health and happiness.

You can say YES to emotional healing and agree to cross that bridge. If not, you can jog, climb that stairmaster 7 days a week, take your supplements, and eat your veggies but still not reach your ultimate goal or feel fully satisfied. Under the muscles and heart rate and healthy pulse, lies an energetic and emotional heart waiting for its moment in the sun.

Insync Energy sessions can show you how to accomplish this holistic view of healing all aspects of you. Interested in learning how to create a healthy body from the physical you to the outer layers of your aura and soul? Visit and read about my unique and loving alternative to unhealthy emotional stagnation. It is time to heal and shine!

Live or via phone/skype, we can gently uncover those emotions waiting for a chance to speak their voice, be heard, and healed.

In Light and Joy,



Healing is a Committment and a Process


When I recall hearing the words, “You have cancer,” I remember wanting to fall to the floor. I felt and heard my heart beating like never before. Everything seemed to turn into slow motion. The unexplainable emotions grip the soul, the sleepless nights, the pacing in the dark, that feeling of forgetting to breathe all took hold pretty quickly. The first few nights I spent walking around in the dark, feeling lost, scared, and confused, similar to being lost in a corn maize with no visible way out. I even started to watch tele-evangelists at 3 in the morning, searching for hope and words from God. There were some moments I felt as if they were talking directly to me. Yes, I received some helpful words of wisdom tuning into the 700 Club! We filter and take in what we need, right? At that moment, at 3 in the morning, I heard words that helped me get through the night.

7 years ago now seems like a life time ago. I immediately found personal support, books, and alternative healing. Incredible women like Louise Hay and Doreen Virtue kept my head up high and my positive thoughts streaming through my head day and night. I stopped pacing and kept reading and calling in the light. At night when I could not sleep, I meditated and called in every color of the rainbow, each with its own healing frequency.  I asked everyone I knew to send prayers. I felt those prayers and kept on leaping forward through every obstacle. I surrounded myself with loving, compassionate people, some healers who gave me tools for life. My Reiki Master, and her Reiki Share Circles, that was my true place of healing and solace. The love and support I found there was immeasurable and gave me all I needed that year. Friends. Nurture. Support. Love.

What I learned then, and continue to apply to my life to this day, is that healing doesn’t end. It is a lifelong process. Scars often remain, physically and emotionally. There are lessons to be learned from dis-ease and tragedy. I will sometimes read or hear about someone with cancer or in an abusive relationship or having had a loved one pass away. This brings me back to my own experiences , a sign that it is time to revisit a situation, to go back and see if there is more to learn from it. Well, today I did just that. I read a blog that shared how to get through the hard times after hearing one has cancer. It was what I was planning on writing about today. But then I discovered something else. Part of the blog discussed being aware of what your body is telling you when it is in pain.

I looked back on the first few weeks after receiving my news, and tried to distinguish what my body was experiencing. I revisit the anguish. It is shocking to recognize that where my body felt fear and anxiety was my heart! I honestly sit here for the first time and am aware of this new piece of information that my subconscious mind is now revealing to me. It is now 7 years later and I am happy, healthy, and teaching Reiki and Angelic Healing to adults and children all over Portland, Oregon. I sit here right now and realize I have some more healing to do and it wasn’t at all what I expected. Heart, we have some work to do. I love you and will never again ignore you.