Insync Energy, Reiki, and Chakra Healing

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Forward March!


It took me to have cancer to see that I am a brave woman. My hope is that you can discover your strength under less stressful situations. For the month of February, I created an event on facebook called Get Your Brave On! and I list exercises every 3 days for you to contemplate and practice. Each one is a step closer into yourself, into the power of your heart and soul. Questions and ‘homework’ assignments encourage and support you to look at what you have already done and what you can plan on doing in the future with more confidence.

My intention is to give you this space, this safe community, to uncover your hidden power and heal. Join, comment, inspire others with your words of encouragement. All are welcome, all are surrounded by healing angels when they participate. I hope you feel inclined to join and Get Your Brave On!

Exercises 1 and 2 are below in past posts. Exercise #3 is:
Choose 1 really out of the box, inspiring decision to go forth and put into action by the end of the month-plan a vacation, start sending out resumes if you want a new job, have that heart to heart with your partner or family member you’ve been waiting for the right time to do (no better time than the present), or ask that cute guy out you keep seeing at the coffee shop, start your own business! What have you been keep hearing in your head? Yup, get your brave on! . Ready, set, go!

